Angeles City, PAMPANGA – The North Luzon Cluster of the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) spearheaded a three-day joint technical review (JTR) on the 2020 proposed subprojects under the enterprise development – I-REAP Component on March 4-6, 2020 held at Savannah Resort Hotel, here.
From Central Luzon, the Hagonoy Fish Farmers Producers Cooperative presented their business plan for the Establishment of Bangus Nursery and Custom Service Facility with a project cost of P17 million that seeks to initiate a sustainable and viable enterprise that will provide good quality bangus fingerlings and available custom service facilities (desilting) to the fisherfolks in Hagonoy, Bulacan.
With an existing approved Value Chain Analysis (VCA) on Bangus, Hagonoy is identified as top priority among the municipalities of Bulacan for interventions in upgrading the said commodity.
With this, the JTR which comprises of technical staff from the different project Component and Units of the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO), Project Support Office (PSO) and the Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO 3) reviewed thoroughly the proposed business plans and assessed the compliance of the proponent groups (PGs) to the requirements set by DA-PRDP.
The suggestions and recommendations of the DA-PRDP components are to be incorporated in the business plan portfolio.
Moreover, PSO I-REAP Component Head Mary Anndie Clavel reminded the attendees that the deadline for the issuance of No Objection Letter (NOL) is set on or before March 31, 2020.
The JTR is one of the strategies of DA-PRDP to shorten the review process of the business plan before forwarding all the documents ready for final review, approval and endorsement to the Regional Project Approving Board (RPAB). (Ma. Reina Len Luna, RPCO3 InfoACE)