DA-PRDP Bicol reports 2022 gains, commits to scale up performance in 2023
The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) Bicol highlighted its gains for 2022 and gears up for the implementation of the PRDP Scale-up in 2023.
During the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) – Project Support Offices (PSOs) Year-end Assessment and Planning Workshop held in Metro Manila and the RPCO Year-end Assessment for CY 2022 held in Pili, Camarines Sur, RPCO Bicol presented its accomplishments for 2022.
As of December 31, 2022, RPCO Bicol has 19 approved value chain analyses that were translated into Provincial Commodity Investment Plans (PCIPs) of six provinces and one chartered city. Currently, Bicol has 40 commodities with Provincial Development Council (PDC) endorsement. RPCO Bicol ranked first in terms of non-PRDP investment by value chain enablers as of October 28, 2022 with PhP11.3 billion (B) reported leveraged resources from other non-PRDP enablers.
Also, RPCO -Bicol’s infrastructure development (I-BUILD) component has completed 19 subprojects amounting to PhP1.65-B while 21 SPs are ongoing. Of these, two I-BUILD subprojects worth PhP219.14-M are financed under the original loan while 19 SPs which cost PhP3.83-Bare funded under the 2nd additional financing 2 (AF2). Meanwhile, RPCO Bicol has seven I-BUILD subprojects that are under procurement.
On the other hand, the enterprise development (I-REAP) component has completed a total of 28 subprojects amounting to PhP14-M. The said completed I-REAP subprojects now benefit 16,121 households. RPCO Bicol has two approved subprojects under AF2 with an aggregate amount of PhP25.7-M.
Three microenterprise subprojects under the PRDP Global Environment Facility (GEF) have completed their 100 percent physical targets, namely, the Seaweeds Nursery and Production Marketing Project in Magallanes, Milkfish Culture and Marketing in Pilar, and Seaweeds Production Project and Grouper Culture Proponent in Matnog. Meanwhile, Butag Green Grouper Fish Cage Production Project in Bulan, Sorsogon has reported 87.3 percent physical accomplishment.
Also highlighted during the said year-end meetings were the recognitions given to two marine protected areas in the region namely the Matnog Marine Protected Area in Matnog, Sorsogon which garnered the 1st place National Award for Coral Cover Condition Category and the San Fernando Fish Sanctuary and Marine Reserve in San Fernando, Masbate which received the 2nd place National Award for Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) and Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool (MEAT) category.
RPCO Bicol Deputy Project Director Adelina Losa lauded the team’s performance and encouraged them to keep the momentum as the Project prepares for the implementation of the proposed 600 million dollar-worth PRDP Scale-Up.
“You have done a very good job in 2022, now we have another four years for PRDP Scale-Up. We are looking forward to its implementation along with the PSO and NPCO heads, as well as the World Bank,” said.
According to Losa, a total of 44 Municipal Local Government Units (MLGUs), and two Provincial Local Government Units (PLGUs) have expressed their intent to participate in the PRDP Scale-Up. She added that she is counting on the local government unit’s (LGUs) support in clustering and strengthening farmers’ cooperatives to avail of PRDP-funded projects. RPCO Bicol will be conducting a series of orientation in January for the LGUs that expressed their intent earlier. The RPCO will also schedule a joint technical review to assist the participating P/MPMIUs in preparing their documentary requirements.
“With this PRDP Scale-Up, we are targeting big-ticket projects. So kailangan talaga established and strong ang ating mga magiging partner cooperatives so that they can manage big common service facilities. Sana ang mga LGUs, tulungan talaga sila especially on their counterpart (fund). We are looking forward to big common service facilities that will really help develop ‘yung mga commodities natin sa Bicol so that we can increase the volume of production and produce quality products not only for local markets but also for export,” she added.
The PRDP Scale-Up aims to improve farmers and fisherfolks’ market access and raise their income from agri-fishery activities. It will be implemented from 2024 to 2028. (Annielyn L. Baleza, DA RAFIS V/PRDP RPCO V InfoACE Unit)

DA PRDP-Bicol Information, Advocacy, Communication and Education (InfoACE) Unit Writer Annielyn L. Baleza presents the accomplishments of the unit during the RPCO Year-End Assessment for CY 2022 held in Pili, Camarines Sur on December 19, 2022.

DA PRDP-Bicol Social and Environmental Safeguards Officer Teresita Blanqueza presents the accomplishments of the SES Unit during the RPCO Year-End Assessment for CY 2022 held in Pili, Camarines Sur on December 19, 2022.

PRDP-Bicol I-PLAN Component Head Aloha Gigi Bañaria presents the accomplishments of the I-PLAN component during the RPCO Year-End Assessment for CY 2022 held in Pili, Camarines Sur on December 19, 2022.

DA PRDP-Bicol I-BUILD Head Engr. Teodoro C. Eleda presents the accomplishments of the I-BUILD component during the RPCO Year-End Assessment for CY 2022 held in Pili, Camarines Sur on December 19, 2022.

DA PRDP NPCO Project Director Asec. Arnel V. De Mesa encourages the RPCOs to take the lessons learned from the project implementation during the previous years and upgrade their performance for the PRDP Scale-Up implementation.

DA PRDP South Luzon Project Director Shandy M. Hubilla presents the concept note for the PRDP Phase 2 Project.