DA eyes more support for Agri Enterprise Dev’t under PRDP
In just over a year since the World Bank funded Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) started, heavy investments flowed in for rural infrastructures. This finding came out during the 1st World Bank Implementation Support Mission for Visayas Cluster held on September 14-15, 2015 at Panglao, Tagbilaran, Bohol.
“While we are glad about it, we are now concerned on raising availment of the PRDP funds to support rural enterprise development,” says Department of Agriculture Undersecretary and concurrent National Project Director Emerson U. Palad.
He pointed out that there has been too much support given for rural infrastructures under the PRDP, especially on building up good road networks but much remains to be done in terms of the livelihood component of the project.
In particular, for the entire Visayas Cluster, 15 farm- to –market road sub projects were approved in 2014 with a total funding support of Php 1.03 billion and another 11 in 2015 worth Php1.13 billion. Sub projects proposed under the I-REAP component of the project totalling 29, on the other hand, are still under review while some others are subject for completion of documentary requirements.
Investments in Rural Enterprises and Agriculture and Fisheries Productivity or I-REAP is a major component of the project aimed at promoting the development of viable agro-industries. It caters to providing necessary livelihood support to farmers and fisherfolk associations or cooperatives under a cost-sharing scheme.
“In coming up with sub -project proposals on I-REAP, we need to also look at such aspects on how it would potentially impact on raising the income levels of our farmers or fisherfolk as well as the sustainability aspect. We would definitely be pleased to see an improvement in the economic status of our beneficiaries as an outcome of the project,” Undersecretary Palad hinted.
Highlights during the 3-day activity include the presentation on the status of project implementation in the Visayas, conduct of press conference and, field visits to the following PRDP funded sub projects in Bohol: 1) The proposed Dairy Processing and Marketing Enterprise located in Ubay; 2) San Agustin- Canmaya Diot Farm-to-Market Road and; 3) The Global Environment Facility (GEF) sub project site in Talibon. (RGMACAPAÑAS, InfoACE RPCO 8)