CvSU to study coffee industry via I-PLAN 1.2 subcomponent
In support to the coffee industry in the province of Cavite, the Cavite State University (CvSU) has proposed to the Philippine Rural Development Project an evaluative study on the quality and processing practices of coffee growers in the area.
“While the project is known for its support to infrastructures and enterprises, the Local and National Planning (I-PLAN) component, also partners with other entities like government agencies and state university and colleges in crafting research proposals that will study the priority commodities identified through the Value Chain Analysis,” Jade Padonan, I-PLAN Component Head of PRDP CALABARZON, said.
This project will evaluate the practices employed by small-scale coffee producers and processors in Cavite. The researchers will assess the results and compare it to the Philippine National Standards (PNS) for coffee as formulated by the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS).
Among the segments of the value chain, the research will support the opportunities seen in post-harvest and processing. According to Dean Anelita Magsino of CvSU – College of Agriculture, Food, Environment, and Natural Resources (CAFENR) poor harvest and post-harvest practices have been reducing coffee quality, and there is a weak linkage between research, extension services, and producers. As there is increasing need for coffee in our country, corrective measures are needed in improving the quality that could increase the proportion of coffee selling at significant premiums.
The research objectives include: evaluation of coffee berry quality and processing methods of the small-scale coffee producers and processors in Cavite; evaluation of coffee bean and cup quality of processed coffee; capacitation of small-scale producers and processors on good agricultural and manufacturing practices (GAP/GMP) of coffee; and increase level of awareness on good coffee quality and processing standards of coffee.
The project is scheduled to run for eight months. At the end, the researchers hope to produce the following output: evaluative assessment reports, action plan, and policy recommendations; memorandum of understanding/agreement (MOU/MOA) signed between the university and small-scale producers and processors; training and information materials; and paper presentation or publication.
Dean Magsino will serve as the lead investigator of the P1 million – study to be housed in the Institute of Food Science and Technology. Other members of the team will include Eufemio Barcelon and Jason Braga, both from CAFENR.
This proposal has been reviewed and evaluated by I-PLAN staff from the CALABARZON regional office and South Luzon Project Support Office (PSO); representatives from the Cavite Provincial Project Management and Implementing Unit (PPMIU) were also present to provide inputs. Currently, it has already received a No Objection Letter from the South Luzon PSO and are waiting for the MOA and terms of reference between the PRDP and CvSU.