A photo of the Commitment Tree made by the participants of the Contract Management Training and Supervision Skills Enhancement Workshop Batch 2 held at Villa Caceres Hotel in Naga City on July 6-10, 2015. (Photo Credit: PSO South Luzon Dir. Shandy M. Hubilla)

Contract implementors commit to quality PRDP sub-projects in Bicol

Date Published: July 19, 2015

July 14, 2015

To ensure adherence to the design and specifications of the sub-project (SP); daily visit and monitoring of the SP; devote time, right attitude and commitment to the success of the project are among the pledges made by contract managers and supervisors during the Contract Management Training and Supervision Skills Enhancement Workshop Batch 2 held at Villa Caceres Hotel in Naga City on July 6-10, 2015.

Intensified Building up of Infrastructure and Logistics for Development (I-BUILD) rural infrastructure engineers, project engineers and finance and procurement staff of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) V and the Provincial Project Management and Implementation Unit (PPMIU) of Camarines Norte attended the activity. Also present during the training were the RPCO IV-A as well as the PPMIUs of Candelaria, Lucban, and Mulanay, Quezon, Puerto Princesa City and Palawan.

The workshop aims to ensure the quality of SPs to be implemented under the PRDP, timely completion of SP, and SP completion within cost. In addition, the activity intends to prevent remove-and-replace (RNR) orders, time extension, variation orders and legal litigations.

According to National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) I-BUILD Alternate Component Head Ericson Mammag, the workshop is also designed to unify the understanding of implementors on construction methodologies, contract management and supervision.

Mammag oriented the participants about the Infrastructure Quality Management Durability System (IQMDS), a system that PRDP will follow. This sets the minimum key quality assurance indicators as well as quality control and monitoring processes to guarantee the durability of infrastructure SPs. He also discussed Project Risk Management including risk analysis, risk plan preparation, and causes of delayed SP completion.

“If we want world-class quality infrastructure projects, IQMDS sets five key elements of quality assurance namely: in place project management support system, contract review processes and procedures, inspection and testing processes and procedures, document control system, and operation and maintenance system,” he said.

Compliance Officer Michael Gregory D. Vargas of Project Support Office (PSO) South Luzon discussed the Implementation Management Agreement (IMA) Provisions. Finance Analyst II Luchen Dechos shared insights on the Certificate of Payment and Progress Billing.

Also, South Luzon Procurement Officer Maria Rhoda Lavinia D. Mendoza and Finance Analyst John Socito provided inputs about Contract and Contract Documents and Billing, Reporting, Variation Order and Time Extension, respectively. Moreover, South Luzon I-BUILD Component Head Engr. Allan C. Tatierra and Roads and Bridges Specialist Engr. Lyn Collo led the presentations for the Definition and Objectives of Contract Supervision, Roles and Functions of Employer and Contractor, Supervision Team and Pre-Construction Conference, Site Management, Materials Testing, and Construction Work Completion.

“Quality is not seen by our naked eye but is built into the sub-project,” said Collo.

Engr. Sahlee T. Yanto, I-BUILD staff of PPMIU-Camarines Norte, said that the workshop has equipped her team in terms of project management and quality control.

“Sana hindi dito lang sa seminar para ma-safeguard yung project, maging maayos ang output, tumagal ang project at hindi masayang ang pera,” she added.

A similar workshop was attended by the PPMIUs of Albay and Camarines Sur on March 2-6, 2015 in Tagaytay City, Cavite.

I-BUILD is one of the four major components of PRDP that involves PLGUs in establishing strategic and climate-resilient rural infrastructure and facilities in project areas along the value chain. Among the eligible I-BUILD SPs are FMRs, bridges, communal irrigation systems (CIS), and fishery-related infrastructure.

In 2014, PRDP has approved five infrastructure development SPs worth P290,993,107.22 in Albay, Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte. As of June 30, 2015, No Objection Letter (NOL) 2 were already issued to the Rehabilitation/Improvement of Pistola-Tablon Road with 3 units Bridges in Oas, Albay, Rehabilitation /Upgrading of San Isidro-Pag Oring Nuevo Farm to Market Road-Libmanan in Libmanan, Camarines Sur, and Upgrading of Cuco-Bagong Silang Farm to Market Road -Pasacao in Pasacao, Camarines Sur. Meanwhile, the Concreting of Pinagwarasan to Lanot Road in Mercedes, Camarines Norte and the Upgrading of Manangle-Caima Farm to Market Road in Sipocot, Camarines Sur are waiting for NOL 2 issuance.

On April 8, 2015, the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) has approved 13 I-BUILD SPs worth P1,481,375,782.60 in Albay, Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte as part of the second phase of PRDP implementation in Bicol. On July 8, 2015, four SPs of Camarines Norte worth P306,027 have been issued NOL 1 by the National Project Coordination Office namely the Concreting of Sto. Domingo-Napilihan Farm to Market Road (FMR) in Vinzons, Concreting of Poblacion to Pulongguit-guit FMR, Concreting of Angas to Lidong FMR, and Concreting of Cabusay to Labnig with Junction Tabas to Bakal FMR.

PRDP is a six-year project worth 27.5 billion designed to establish an inclusive, market-oriented, and climate-resilient agri-fishery sector nationwide. It is geared towards 5% increase in farmers’ income of PRDP household beneficiaries yearly, 7% increase in value of annual marketed output and 20% increase in number of farmers and fishers with improved access to DA services. (Annielyn L. Baleza, I-SUPPORT InfoACE Unit, DA-RAFIS 5)


NPCO I-BUILD Alternate Component Head Ericson Mammag (3rd from left, seated) pose with the participants of the Contract Management Training and Supervision Skills Enhancement Workshop Batch 2 held at Villa Caceres Hotel in Naga City on July 6-10, 2015.


NPCO I-BUILD Alternate Component Head Ericson Mammag discusses the importance of risk identification in Risk Management Plan Preparation during the Contract Management Training and Supervision Skills Enhancement Workshop Batch 2 held at Villa Caceres Hotel in Naga City on July 6-10, 2015.


PSO South Luzon I-BUILD Component Head Engr. Allan C. Tatierra coaches PPMIU-Camarines Norte I-BUILD staff Engr. Sahlee T. Yanto on the duties and responsibilities of the Construction Supervision Team in the implementation of PRDP sub-projects.

A photo of the Commitment Tree made by the participants of the Contract Management Training and Supervision Skills Enhancement Workshop Batch 2 held at Villa Caceres Hotel in Naga City on July 6-10, 2015. (Photo Credit: PSO South Luzon Dir. Shandy M. Hubilla)

A photo of the Commitment Tree made by the participants of the Contract Management Training and Supervision Skills Enhancement Workshop Batch 2 held at Villa Caceres Hotel in Naga City on July 6-10, 2015. (Photo Credit: PSO South Luzon Dir. Shandy M. Hubilla)


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