Construction of 2 warehouses in Isabela commences
Mayor Jesus D. Laddaran of Ramon, Isabela, Ms. Maria Lourdes C. Corsino of the Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO 2), Ms. Sally Valencia, Isabela Action Officer and the members of the Provincial Project Management and Implementing Unit (PPMIU) and barangay officials led the ground breaking ceremonies at Barangay Planas, Ramon, Isabela on September 27, 2018 to jumpstart the construction of Tilapia Warehouse proposed by Ramon Farmers’ Cooperative (RAMFARMCO).
“This is the most awaited moment for all of us here in Ramon. We have reached this far because of our partnership with DA PRDP. Construction will start today,” Mayor Laddaran said.
“Our proposed farm-to-market road, Oscariz-Nagbacalan is also awaiting No Objection Letter (NOL) 1,” he added.
The Tilapia Production and Marketing Enterprise worth Php23,065,872.00 and the Oscariz-Nagbacalan FMR which amounts to Php126,958,000.00 were approved for endorsement by the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB 2) during its 16th Business Meeting.
The representatives of the RPCO 2 and Isabela PPMIU proceeded to Cabatuan, Isabela after the Pre-construction conference at the Function Hall of RAMFARMCO for the ground breaking of Mungbean Warehouse located at Barangay Canan, Cabatuan, Isabela.
The Mungbean Seed Production and Marketing Enterprise which amounts to Php18,080,500.00 was proposed by Cabatuan Savings and Development Cooperative (CASADECO). It was approved and endorsed by the RPAB 2 during its 17th Business Meeting.
“CASADECO will use the NSIC MG 14 variety which matures within fifty-eight days after emergence. It has dull green seeds which is preferred by farmers in the locality. It has a seed yield of 1.09 ton per hectare during dry season and 1.17 tons during wet season. We will engage both in seed and food grade,” Mr. Franklin P. Macugay, CASADECO Manager said.
“Also, the cooperative will do the primary processing such as consolidating, drying, cleaning, sorting, packing, labelling, transporting and marketing of mungbean. For seed grade, the product will be packed in 5 kg bag and for food grade, these will be packed in 1 kg and ½ kg bags respectively,” he furthered. (Ferdinand N. Cortez, RPCO2 InfoACE)