Compliance and monitoring activities for DA-PRDP subprojects continue under ECQ
Compliance and monitoring activities for ongoing infrastructure and enterprise subprojects funded under the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) are being conducted even during the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) period.
“Due to the Luzon-wide quarantine enforced since March, all construction and procurement activities of ongoing PRDP subprojects were suspended. However, off-site activities are currently being carried out for these subprojects, following health safety measures, in compliance with their billing requirements,” said Engr. Gaston B. Cael, head of the RPCO-CAR I-BUILD Component.
Cael further said that Project staff are coordinating with local government units (LGUs) and subproject contractors through electronic media in reviewing billing documents of on-going subprojects including subproject proposals for possible funding under the PRDP.
For the enterprise subprojects, Jocelyn W. Beray, head of the RPCO-CAR I-REAP component said that the procurement of goods for ongoing enterprise subprojects is postponed including other scheduled activities such as business plan reviews and training/workshops for Proponent Groups (PGs).
“Enterprise subprojects on vegetable production including processing and marketing are not hampered by the quarantine situation but some PGs opted to suspend their enterprise operations. On the other hand, several PGs have been using the facilities they acquired from the PRDP to support the relief operations and activities of their respective LGUs,” she said.
Meanwhile, Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) identification cards and certifications were issued to RPCO staff for them to be allowed access through government-designated checkpoints in any of the entry points to and from their work jurisdiction during the quarantine period. These will also be issued to concerned LGU personnel and contractors who would be able to resume on-site activities.
Project implementation is expected to resume at full blast once the Luzon-wide quarantine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is lifted. ### ELVY S. TAQUIO (DA-PRDP CARPCO InfoACE Unit)