Coconut industry in Pigcawayan seen to rise with PRDP assistance
The coconut industry in the town of Pigcawayan in the Province of North Cotabato will soon rise after the multimillion Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) subproject was already turned over to the recipients.
The Bulucaon Farmers Multipurpose Cooperataive (BFMPC) received the 5-Million Peso intervention from the PRDP and the local government unit of Pigcawayan during a turn-over ceremony held at their cooperative, April 15, 2021.
“This intervention will help us elevate the coconut industry in the municipality of Pigcawayan,” Romulo Ramos, chairman of BFMPC, said.
He added that with the unity of the coop members they can easily implement the subproject that will surely signal the rise of the coconut industry in the town.
“A lot of coconut farmers here are not getting the right price from the buyers, but with this subproject, we can dictate the price as farmers,” Ramos noted.

Part of the enterprise subproject is a one unit hauling truck which will support the cooperative in transporting their coconut produce from farm to market. (Photo by RCPO 12)
Part of the interventions is the hauling truck which will be utilized by the coop to for the delivery and marketing of their copra produced.
The farmer members and the cooperative will sold their produce using their new hauling truck to their identified buyer DBCOM and Legaspi Oil Company in Davao City.
Aside from the hauling truck the cooperative were also aided with working capital and administrative cost, and production support materials and tools, which include plastic crates, wheeled cart, weighing scale and more.
The cooperative also showed off their counterpart with their warehouse and dryer.
“I am confident that the BFMPC will be a strong partner in the advancement of the coconut industry,” Regional Executive Director Arlan Mangelen noted.
He said that with the existence of the subproject, they finally felt the help from the government which will enable them to uplift the lives of the coconut farmers.
Moreover, the director asked the commitment of the cooperative officials to assure the implementing agencies of the sustainability of their subproject. (CARL AGUILLON)