CMT boosts sense of ownership, accountability of Guimaras subproject
The Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO 6) in collaboration with PSO Visayas Cluster and NPCO components and units — I-BUILD, SES, M&E, InfoACE and GGU conducted a Citizens’ Monitoring Tool (CMT) Training for the Improvement/Rehabilitation of Bugnay-Sapal-Maabay Farm to Market Road subproject last March 12 to 16, 2018 in the Province of Guimaras participated in by 44 barangay officials of Barangays Maabay, Bugnay, Sapay and Constancia under the Rural Influence Area (RIA), Barangay Monitoring Teams, and representatives of barangays’ People’s Organization, PPMIU and contractor.
The participants also underwent training in Geotagging, Field Density Test (FTD), SES, GRM concerns and conducted a site visit of the contractors’ field office, as well as batching plant and subproject site ocular inspection, and an on-the-spot reporting on the ongoing farm to market subproject.
The CMT used the I-BUILD Infrastructure Quality Monitoring and Durability System (IQMDS) to look into quality assurance elements of the subproject. The contractor noted the observations of the CMT team and promised to make corrective measures in their construction activities.
“We conducted this training because we want the project beneficiaries to feel a sense of ownership and be accountable for the project,” according to Guimaras Governor Samuel T. Gumarin. (Kathrino V. Resurreccion, DA-PRDP NPCO InfoACE Unit)