Central Luzon PPMIUs undergo Procurement Training
Essential procurement posting and implementation issues were raised and clarified during the Procurement Training held last July 21-22 at the City of San Fernando, Pampanga, an activity spearheaded by the Regional Project Coordination Office 3 (RPCO3) for the Provincial Project Management Implementing Units (PPMIUs) of Aurora, Bataan and Tarlac.
Present during the event was Dr. Eduardo Lapuz, Unit Head of the Procurement of RPCO3, who said that the conduct of the training is both timely and necessary, especially now that the PPMIUs of the three provinces are waiting for the issuance of the No Objection Letter 1 (NOL1) by the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) for their respective proposed Infrastructure Development (I-BUILD) subprojects. “This activity aims to prepare the PPMIUs BAC in their procurement process, once the NPCO have issued the NOL1 for their infrastructure development subprojects,” said Dr. Lapuz. “This will prepare the Bids and Awards Committees of PLGU to avoid the unnecessary errors that can hinder the implementation of their subprojects.”
During the training, the actual bidding documents for the I-BUILD subprojects of Aurora, Bataan and Tarlac underwent a workshop in order to identify mistakes and to apply the necessary revisions based on the guidelines set by the World Bank for the Philippine Rural Development Project. Ms. Mary Anne Capillo of the Procurement Unit of the Program Support Office headed the workshop of the bidding documents. (Mark Erron H. San Mateo, InfoACE RPCO3)