Cattle fattening biz seen to buzz livelihood opportunities in Lagawe

Date Published: September 28, 2021

Aimed at boosting livelihood opportunities for farmers in Lagawe, Ifugao, the Mountain Monarch Agri-Movers Association received 36 heads of cattle from the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) and the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) of Ifugao for their micro enterprise subproject on cattle fattening and marketing.

The micro enterprise subproject, with a project cost of PhP1 million, was proposed and implemented as an entrepreneurial scheme aimed at increasing farmers’ income, especially those that were adversely affected by the typhoon in 2015.

As an off-farm activity while the members of the MMAMA rehabilitate their farmlands, cattle fattening and marketing was perceived to be a profitable engagement to augment their losses.

Eligible members of the association will be receiving 1-2 heads of cattle depending on their capability.

The feeder cattle stocks were delivered to the association in March 2021. However, the members of the association were not able to get their stocks due to travel restrictions.

MMAMA President Virgilio Inhumang Jr. said the members of the association agreed to fatten the current stocks of the association for the meantime, since majority of the members are not yet capable of raising/fattening cattle.

“One of our commitments to the enterprise is for the recipients to be ready to care for the animal and they should provide proper housing for their livestock,” Inhumang said.

He further said that the association will be having a meeting this third quarter to discuss and agree how they will implement their cattle fattening business and how to sustain their operations.

“Our association has a total membership of 46 from the municipality of Lagawe, Lamut, and some from the nearby municipalities of Nueva Vizcaya and this enterprise is a good source of income for them aside from their farming activities,” Inhumang added.

Considering the benefits of the enterprise subproject, economic activities and exchange of goods in the area will be stimulated including the production and supply of beef by-products. The eventual increase in income of farmer-members is also seen to contribute to good health and nutrition in the family.

Elvy T. Estacio (DA-PRDP RPCO-CAR InfoACE Unit)



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