Bulacan I-REAP component head Ma. Gloria Carillo presents enterprise development sub-project proposal dubbed as the ‘Triple B Enterprise Charantin Project’.

C. Luzon RPAB: Triple B Enterprise Charantin Project okay

Date Published: August 15, 2014

ANGELES CITY, Pampanga– The enterprise development sub-project in San Ildefonso in Bulacan called ‘Triple B Enterprise Charantin Project’ formally received the Central Luzon Regional Project Advisory Board’s (RPAB) approval during a meeting held on August 8 at the Lewis Grand Hotel in this city.

Central Luzon Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) chairman Dr. Andrew Villacorta announces approval of the ‘Triple B Enterprise Charantin Project’ during the second meeting on the sub-project held on August 8, at the Grand Lewis Hotel in Angeles City, Pampanga.

Central Luzon Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) chairman Dr. Andrew Villacorta announces approval of the ‘Triple B Enterprise Charantin Project’ during the second meeting on the sub-project held on August 8, at the Grand Lewis Hotel in Angeles City, Pampanga.

With the demand attributed to ampalaya’s reputed effectiveness for lowering blood sugar, the Provincial Program Management and Implementing Unit (PPMIU) sees great potential on the pilot I-REAP sub-project of the province which will include production, marketing and processing of ampalaya fruits, leaves and vines.

PPMIU opted San Ildefonso with the town’s number of well-experienced farmers and the availability of wide area for ampalaya cultivation which includes the barangays of Bulusukan, Bubulung-munti and Buhol na mangga.

The Triple B Enterprise Charantin Project will be realized through partnership between the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Bulacan and Bulusukan Farmers Palay and Vegetables Producers Cooperative, Bukal Farmers Producers Cooperative and Buhol na Mangga Marketing Cooperative.

Through larger production, the enterprise eyes supplying powdered ampalaya for about P320 to P420 per kilogram to compete with the P500 cost of imported powdered ampalaya which is much lower than the existing local market price of P900 to P1, 200 per kilo.

The Bio-Farm and Natural Health Ingredients (BINHI), which will be providing technical supervision to the enterprise, already agreed on a contract forward marketing.

BINHI supplies raw materials to HerbCare Corp., the maker of the famous ampalaya herbal brand “Charantia” exported worldwide. (aurora catu)

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