Award of Contract to MS. AIMIKALYN M. CAPINPIN for the Hiring of Individual Consultant for the Position of Associate Social Environmental Safeguards Officer for PRDP-NPCO

Date Published: April 13, 2022

Procurement/Award Title: Award of Contract to MS. AIMIKALYN M. CAPINPIN for the Hiring of Individual Consultant for the Position of Associate Social Environmental Safeguards Officer for PRDP-NPCO

PRAS No.2022-009

PRAS EPC: 4,380,000.00

Resolution No. 005 S. 2022

Awarded Amount: Php 224, 000.00 approx 4mos.

Awarded Consultant: Ms. Aimikalyn M. Capinpin

Date of Award: March 02, 2022

Contract-NOA-SBAC Reso- Capinpin

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