Award of Contract to K.O.B.S. Customers First Trading, Inc. for the Supply and Delivery of Laptop, Desktop Computers and Accessories ( Lot No. 2 – Livestream Mixer, Computer Headset, Webcam, Studio Recording Kit & Foldable Microphone))

Date Published: February 16, 2021

Procurement/Award Title: Award of Contract to K.O.B.S. Customers First Trading, Inc. for the Supply and Delivery of Laptop, Desktop Computers and Accessories ( Lot No. 2 – Livestream Mixer, Computer Headset, Webcam, Studio Recording Kit & Foldable Microphone))

PRAS Estimated Project Cost: PhP9,682,500.00

PRAS No. 2020-134

Solicitation No.: SH-067-2020

Awarded Supplier: K.O.B.S. Customers First Trading, Inc.

Awarded Amount for Lot No. 2: PhP843,374.36


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