Featured News Luzon A (North) Luzon B (South) Visayas Mindanao

CSPMC, DA PRDP break ground on aromatic and pigmented rice enterprise in Solana, Cagayan, to boost the local economy

Solana, Cagayan — After earning approval from the Regional Project Advisory Board last October 2022, the Cagayan Seed Producers Multi-purpose Cooperative (CSPMC) and Department of Agriculture Philippine Rural Development Project (DA PRDP) held a groundbreaking ceremony on the civil works of the Aromatic and Pigmented Rice Production and Marketing Enterprise on April 24, 2023, Villa … read more »

North Luzon cluster lays the groundwork for PRDP Scale-Up

Planning and preparations for the approaching implementation of the PRDP Scale-Up are underway in the North Luzon cluster, as orientations are already being conducted and proposed subprojects are being validated by the Project Support Office in constant coordination with partner implementing offices across the four regions. Some local government units at the provincial, municipal, and … read more »

WB visits enterprise subprojects in Tarlac

As part of the 15th World Bank Implementation Support Mission to the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project, the World Bank and National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) team embarked on a trip to the province of Tarlac to visit two (2) enterprise subprojects located in the municipalities of Moncada and La Paz, yesterday, … read more »

Coops in North Luzon showcase agri-products on e-Merkado

In line with the goals of boosting farmers’ income and market reach through digital space, four (4) cooperatives, one from each region, showcased their agricultural products and processes on e-Merkado, the digital marketing strategy of the DA-PRDP North Luzon Cluster. This was done through a virtual product exposition with Facebook as the primary social media … read more »

Promoting three-way partnership in DA-PRDP’s investment planning and improving support service delivery

As the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) scales-up in providing viable agri-enterprises and infrastructures in the Cordillera, the project’s I-PLAN (Local & National Level Planning) component continues to take steps in promoting three-way partnership among the DA, local government units (LGUs), and private sector in planning, programming, and improving the delivery … read more »

Spurring growth in the Cordillera through enterprise development

As most of the livelihood activities in the Cordillera are agriculture-based, inculcating rural entrepreneurship among farm families through Farmer Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs) can broaden their income opportunities. With enterprise support from the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project’s (DA-PRDP) I-REAP (Enterprise Development) Component, investments that restore and improve food availability, accessibility and … read more »

43K Cordi households reap gains under DA-PRDP infra dev component

Over 43, 000 households in the Cordillera Administrative Region are now reaping the benefits from 48 completed agri-infrastructure subprojects (SPs) implemented under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), one of the Department of Agriculture’s (DA) flagship programs. With eight years of implementation, the DA-PRDP has completed the construction and improvement of 126 kilometers of farm-to-market … read more »

7.20 km farm-to-market road in Quirino underway for construction

Cabarroguis, Quirino — Regional Executive and Project Director Narciso A. Edillo and Quirino Gov. Dakila Cua broke ground on the 7.20km farm-to-market road traversing the barangays of Gundaway in Cabarroguis and Villa Rose and Doña Imelda in Diffun, on March 8, 2023. Under the Department of Agriculture Philippine Rural Development Project (DA PRDP) Ibuild Component, … read more »

PSO North Luzon awards outstanding implementers for 2022

PSO North Luzon awards outstanding implementers for 2022 The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project North Luzon cluster awarded the outstanding project implementers at the local government unit and regional project coordination office levels during the general assembly at Subic Bay, Zambales on February 15, 2023. A total of 32 awards and 4 … read more »

DA-PRDP holds PCIP assessment in Kalinga

Different stakeholders in Kalinga convened to assess the institutionalization of the province’s Commodity Investment Plan (CIP) from February 7 to 10 in Tabuk City, Kalinga. The Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) is a science-based planning tool of the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) that has been serving as a blueprint for … read more »