Abandoned rice terraces in Banaue to be rehabilitated thru PRDP investments
With the end-goal of attaining rice sufficiency thru sustaining steady supply of irrigation water and rehabilitating abandoned rice terraces, five (5) Communal Irrigation System (CIS) subprojects were approved for implementation under the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP).
A pre-construction conference was recently held on February 27, 2018 gathering both the Municipal Project Management and Implementing Unit (MPMIU) and subproject contractors. Presenters from the PRDP Project Support Office (PSO) Luzon A Cluster and Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) discussed the requirements and guidelines regarding project implementation. This includes the requirements and process flow for the release of funds and payment of contractors, procurement, progress monitoring through geotagging, social and environmental concerns, and the construction supervision requirements.
The CIS subprojects are located in the top heirloom rice producing barangays of Banaue such as Amganad, Viewpoint, Bocos, Poitan, Kinakin, Luutan, and Imbangnge. These are: Construction of Amchu-uy – Bae CIS worth P2,267,641.26; Improvement of Luutan-Imbangnge-Bayungon CIS (P7,279,489.18); Improvement of Bongbongna – Poitan CIS (P7,336,000.00); Improvement of Aparnga-o-Ligligan CIS (P6,768,072.26); and the Improvement of Aparnga-o – Ki-iyang CIS (P6,769,000.00).
During the construction conference, contractors claimed that the cultural practices/ rituals practiced by the locals can be a possible cause of delay or suspension of construction works. PSO I-BUILD Water Specialist Engr. Ramil Corsino advised the MPMIU/MLGU to facilitate the immediate processing of suspension requests when such activities arise.
Meanwhile, the CIS projects are expected to increase the number of irrigated areas, increase yield of rice, and will be able to get at least two (2) cropping intensity of rice per year because of the continues supply of water. Upon the completion of the irrigation projects, it will be turned-over to the beneficiaries of the community to manage and maintain. ### ELVY S. TAQUIO, RPCO-CAR InfoACE