Monitoring of subprojects made easier with PRDP’s science-based tools and innovations

Date Published: December 10, 2016

With the science-based tools and innovations developed for the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), monitoring of subprojects is now ‘one click away’.

As the PRDP moves forward in achieving the Project’s development objectives, it also continues to advance with the use of technology specifically the internet, in the monitoring and evaluation of its subprojects.

In PRDP, there are tools developed specifically for the monitoring and inspection of subproject progress even without having to visit the actual site. These include the geomapping and geotagging, the Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation Management and Information System (RBME MIS), and finally the DTS or the Document Tracking System which is used to trace and monitor the transmittal of documents and other relevant transactions within the Project Management.

The geomapping and geotagging initiates transparency through the use of the PRDP geotagging camera application wherein all activities conducted by the implementing unit are closely monitored and documented.

For ongoing subprojects, contractors are required to submit geotagged photos of the physical progress and tests conducted on site to the Provincial Project Management and Implementing Unit (PPMIU). After which it will be endorsed to the Regional Project Coordination Office Geomapping and Governance Unit (GGU) for uploading/processing to the RBME MIS. Subprojects which are not yet implemented are required to be geotagged every six (6) months to avoid overlapping/ duplication of projects prior to its approval.

Engr. James Cadiogan, the Project Engineer assigned for the ongoing improvement of the Bulanao-Amlao FMR in Tabuk City, Kalinga appreciates the geotagging requirement of the PRDP.

“All of our tests and activities need to be geotagged. In the implementation of the project, we at the contractors side/ company can monitor the activities from the site,” said Cadiogan.

Finally, the RBME MIS is another web-based system generally used in the monitoring of subproject progress and accomplishments. It is comprised of databases related to the Project’s baseline data, tools, updates and disclosures. This system also provides easier access and availability of accurate reports to be used for decision making by the Project Management.

With these advancements in the monitoring and evaluation of subprojects, such innovations contribute to the achievement of the Project’s development objectives and goals of transparency and efficiency in implementing projects. (Elvy S. Taquio, RPCO CAR InfoACE Unit).

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