BANANA AND COCO GEONETS ENTERPRISE SUBPROJECTS ENDORSED FOR PRDP FUNDING. The Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office-8 Deputy Project Director Jenny Lyn R. Almeria provides some updates relative to the status of implementation of the Philippine Rural Development Project in Region 8 particularly on the Enterprise Component (I-REAP) during the recently held meeting by the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) at the Leyte Park Hotel, in Tacloban City. Looking on (seated) are members of the RPAB headed by DA-RFO 8 Chief Wilson A. Cerbito (seated,left). The RPAB endorses for funding the province of Samar’s banana and the Northern Samar coco geonets enterprise subprojects, which involves a financial requirement of Php22.8 million. Chief Cerbito expressed optimism that if funded and properly implemented, these subprojects will greatly contribute in the overall effort to bring down poverty incidence in the provinces of the Samar Island. (Rodel G. Macapanas, DA-RPCO 8 InfoACE Unit)

RPAB approves P22.8M enterprise subprojects in Samar provinces

Date Published: September 27, 2016

Something exciting is stirring for the coconut and banana farmers in the two provinces of Samar Island after the approval of two enterprise subprojects by the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB).

In a recently held meeting on September 20, 2016 at the Leyte Park Hotel in Tacloban City, the Philippine Rural Development Project’s (PRDP) Advisory Board in Region 8 endorsed for funding support the proposed Northern Samar Coco Geonet Processing and Trading Enterprise, and the Banana Production and Trading Enterprise of Samar.

“These enterprise subprojects were found to be viable by the RPAB and beneficial in terms of raising the income levels of our farmers and in opening up employment opportunities,” said DA Regional Field Office -8 Executive Director Wilson A. Cerbito.

According to Cerbito, Samar Island is a priority in terms of agricultural development thus, the aforementioned subprojects will form part of the assistance to help reduce the poverty situation in the (Samar) provinces.

Proponent Group Aksyon Kalinga para sa Masa (AKMA) led by Chair Mr. Ferdinand T. Luzon, wants to take advantage of the availability of local buyers for coco geonets and coco peat.

“The demand is high such that we are determined to really improve our production. We want to see ourselves become a key player in the industry and help more farmers at least in the province of Northern Samar,” he pointed out.

Mr. Luzon also mentioned the established warehouse facility in San Jose, Northern Samar which now serves as their central buying and decorticating station for geonets.



The Northern Samar Coco Geonets Processing & Trading Enterprise aims to increase income of farmer beneficiaries and provide job opportunities in the coconut-producing communities in Northern Samar as well as improve the marketing system of geonets in the area.

“We intend to set up four multi-purpose livelihood enterprise sheds in strategic areas to be able to cover more municipalities,” said Luzon.

Once implemented, the subproject is expected to directly benefit the municipalities of Rosario, Lavezares, Allen, San Jose, Bobon, Catarman, Mondragon, San Roque, Pambujan and Laoang.

Meanwhile, Director Cerbito disclosed that the proposed coco geonets subproject involves a total investment cost of Php8.7 million. This amount will primarily be used for the needed infrastructure facility, transport vehicles and machineries/equipment. Comparatively, a bigger sum is needed for banana (cardava) enterprise subproject in the province of Samar totalling to Php14.1 million since the proponent still needs to put up its own trading center and strengthen its production base by developing an area of as much as 175 hectares.

Once approved and correspondingly, funding support is made available, the subproject will initially cover the municipalities of Marabut, Basey, Sta. Rita, Talalora, Villareal, Daram, and Pinabacdao. A trading center will be established in Brgy. Madalunot, Pinabacdao, Samar.

The RPAB provides guidance, reviews and approves subprojects for funding under the PRDP. (Rodel G. Macapanas, RPCO 8, InfoACE)

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