I-PLAN Head to PPMIUS, “Let us sharpen our planning process through VCA”
Throughout the implementation of the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), the use of the Value Chain Analysis (VCA) has been widely promoted in catering to the priorities of regions and provinces under the North Luzon cluster.
To date, the North Luzon cluster has obtained 10 approved VCAs including Onion, Peanut, Sweet Potato, Tilapia, Aromatic/Pigmented Rice, Goat, Ube, Coir, Ampalaya and Sardines. The formulation of the VCA, along with the Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) will be the basis for selecting eligible interventions to be funded under the Project. From identified interventions, enterprises and infrastructures will be proposed in support to the augmentation of the agri-fishery industries in the rural communities.
The results of these VCAs will then be incorporated into the investment planning of the provinces for their respective priority commodities.
“With the use of VCA being mainstreamed in PRDP’s implementation, we aim to pass down the knowledge to the LGUs. Through the VCA, let us sharpen our planning process; make it more accurate,” said PSO I-PLAN Component Head Ariel Briones during the conduct of the appreciation course on VCA attended by Provincial Project Management Implementing Units (PPMIUs) of the North Luzon cluster.
Spearheaded by the Project Support Office (PSO) Luzon A, the activity focused on the discussion of the concepts and principles of the VCA and to capacitate the LGUs with the methodologies and process in its formulation.
Briones stated, “Formulating the Value Chain Analysis is in support to the I-PLAN component’s goal of enhancing the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA).”
“You are the industry’s future decision-makers,” he added.
PRDP is a six-year World Bank funded project being implemented by the DA that aims to develop an inclusive, market-oriented and climate-resilient agri-fishery sector. (Kayla Arceo, PSO Luzon A InfoACE Unit)