South Luzon Compliance Officer Michael Gregory D. Vargas discusses the requirements for the release of funds during the Pre-Construction Conference for the Upgrading of the Manangle-Caima Farm-to-Market Road held on June 9, 2016 in Pili, Camarines Sur.

Citizens, LGUs urged to take active role in PRDP sub-projects’ quality assurance

Date Published: June 24, 2016

“The community, the local government unit have the responsibility to oversee the sub-project activity.” This is what Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) South Luzon Compliance Officer Michael Gregory D. Vargas stressed during the Pre-Construction Conference held on June 9, 2016 in Pili, Camarines Sur for the Upgrading of the 19.33-kilometer Manangle-Caima Farm-to-Market Road in Sipocot, Camarines Sur worth P131 million.

In his discussion on Implementation Management, Vargas underscored the responsibilities of the LGU and the PRDP, as well as the requirements for downloading of funds. He also cited the grounds for suspension or withdrawal of PRDP funding and the implications of cancellation.

PRDP South Luzon Rural Infrastructure Engineer Rishel B. Peñara, on the other hand, provided recommendations for effective sub-project supervision such as establishing open communication and good working relationship between the employer and the contractor. She also explained the importance of gaining the contractor’s trust. She added that the engineer having better knowledge of the work must make an effort to help the contractor and demand quality work. Moreover, Peñara discussed Contract Management including the roles and functions of the procuring entity or employer-contractor dealing with sub-standard work, project matters, site matters, and site records compliance.

Peñara also shared an overview of the Citizens Monitoring Tool, which adopts five elements of quality assurance to ensure that sub-projects are implemented on time, in good quality and at the least cost. These are Management Support System, Contract Review Processes, Inspection and Testing Procedures, Document Control Procedures and Operation and Maintenance Procedures. Monitoring guide questions answerable by Yes or No and Not Applicable were formulated based on the five quality assurance elements to help the citizens in monitoring the proper sub-project implementation. The implementation of the Citizens Monitoring Tool will be spearheaded by the PRDP Monitoring and Evaluation unit in coordination with barangay implementing team and civil society organizations in areas with on-going PRDP sub-projects.

PRDP is a six-year development project being implemented by the Department of Agriculture to establish a modern, inclusive and climate-resilient agri-fishery sector nationwide. It promotes strong community participation in project implementation in partnership with LGUs and the private sector to attain its objectives of providing infrastructure, facilities and technology that will raise rural farmers and fisherfolk’s income, competitiveness and productivity. (Annielyn L. Baleza, DA-PRDP RPCO V InfoACE Unit)


Engr. Rishel B. Peñara of PRDP South Luzon orients the stakeholders of the Upgrading of Manangle-Caima FMR in Sipocot, Camarines Sur about the roles and functions of the resident engineer in the sub-project implementation.

Engr. Rishel B. Peñara of PRDP South Luzon orients the stakeholders of the Upgrading of Manangle-Caima FMR in Sipocot, Camarines Sur about the roles and functions of the resident engineer in the sub-project implementation.

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