PLGU Camiguin to Avail PRDP Upscaling; Project Orientation Conducted
MAMBAJAO, CAMIGUIN – In response to the interest of the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) of Camiguin to avail of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP), an orientation on the upscaling was conducted for the interested proponents and LGUs in the province on February 21,2023.
Provincial Governor Xavier Jesus D. Romualdo, extended his appreciation to the Department of Agriculture-10 (DA-10) for responding to their request for PRDP orientation.
“For now, we are proposing five road rehabilitation under the IBUILD component with an estimated project cost of Php 600 million. I hope this time, we will be given the green light for its project implementation.”
He further encouraged the participants to submit project proposals not only under IBUILD, but also in the IREAP component.
DA-10 OIC-Regional Executive Director and DA-PRDP 10 Project Director Carlene C. Collado emphasized the provinces that proposed projects for the first time will be given priority, of which Camiguin province is one of them.
However, complete documentary requirements should be submitted for RPAB review and approval.
He further stressed that the DA-PRDP 10 team is willing to assist the proponent in the preparation of the project proposals and other documents that will meet the standards set by the World Bank.
The RPCO is now accepting proposals in preparation for the full implementation of PRDP Phase 2 or PRDP Upscaling in 2023.
The participants were also reminded to give consideration to the commodities in the area that are included in the Provincial Commodity Investment Plant (PCIP), being one of the major requirements in the approval of the subprojects.# (MGBStaElena | RPCO 10)