Bohol FMR earns highest OMAS audit rating in Central Visayas
The 6.94-kilometer Dagnawan to Dagohoy Farm-to-Market Road (FMR) in Inabanga, Bohol has bagged the highest OMAS rating given by the Regional Operations and Maintenance Team (ROMAT) to audited FMRs in Central Visayas. This recognition came after the said FMR earned an overall grade of 1.107 or an equivalent of a good rating
In its audit report, the ROMAT recognized the barangays’ good practices, including the well-maintained road shoulders, clean canals, and preventive measures applied to ensure the condition and unhampered operation of the FMR.
For Brgy. Dagnawan, barangay councilors have agreed to volunteer for the monthly cleaning. They also tapped other private-owned grass cutters to aid in the clearing operations. To further strengthen their commitment, they decided to adopt a penalty system of P500 from their honorarium should they miss any maintenance activity.
“It is my duty as a barangay official to set a good example for future public servants to follow because disregarding (maintenance) will cost us the FMR,” said Joveniano Milleza.
For Brgy. Lomboy, the immediate reinforcement of riprap prevented further scouring of the road shoulders and damage to the road pavement. They also mounted warning signs in accident-prone areas using do-it-yourself items.
“I used my finances to immediately repair the riprap to protect the road shoulders and especially prevent costly repairs,” said Lomboy barangay captain Leonida Torrefalma.
Barangay Cawayan officials, on the other hand, opted to use their sinking funds to temporarily support their maintenance activity for the remaining year, especially for gasoline expenses and food for the volunteers. They tapped the Sangguniang Kabataan and other youth organizations to assist during the clearing activities.
“We have already allocated a budget for 2023 intended for the gasoline expenses and repaint of the road markings,” Cawayan barangay captain Ismael Jostol said.
To top it all up, they ensure proper documentation thus, regularly geotagging every clearing operation.
“We began adapting the geotagging of our road maintenance activity right after the training we had last July, and I was able to appreciate its importance, especially in the before and after documentation aspects,” he said.
An exit conference detailing the ROMAT’s evaluation was made, including its recommendations on areas that require further attention and immediate action.
“This audit is for the sustainability of the road for it to last more than thirty years. We wanted to check what improvements the local government unit and barangay have made, the areas that need to be maintained and fixed to avoid costly repairs,” said RPCO 7 I-BUILD Component Head Engr. Marcial Agad.
The said FMR was evaluated based on its functionality (40%), physical status (30%), and social and institutional status (30%).
Meanwhile, the 5.89-kilometer San Agustin Canmaya-Diot farm-to-market road (FMR) in Sagbayan, Bohol maintains its good rating status with an overall score of 1.24 for its fourth audit.