DA-PRDP 10 prime LGU Lantapan for FMR Construction

Date Published: September 5, 2022

LANTAPAN, BUKIDNON – The Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project 10 (DA-PRDP 10) conducts a Pre-Construction Conference (Pre-Con) to the Local Government Unit, Proponent Groups, Barangay Officials, and contractor of the soon to be constructed Farm to Market Road subproject in this town on August 31, 2022.

The said conference orients the stakeholders on their responsibilities and introduce the process of the construction of the project.

The 6.055km FMR, dubbed as Concreting of Road and Drainage at Purok 3 to Purok 5, Kulasihan, can serve a total area of  4,787 hectares and  has  an estimated project cost of Php 93,635,000.00.

In his message, Lantapan Mayor Ernie B. Devibar disclosed that the subproject is almost six years in the making. They have almost given up due to voluminous paper works to comply and with strict implementation  policies, but they decided to push through with the project to bring development in their municipality.

“That being said, I would like to ask everyone’s cooperation so we can complete this subproject as smooth as possible to help alleviate the lives of our residents and farmers, and at the same time, can still ask for additional assistance from DA-PRDP. If problems arise, our office is open for discussions because I believe that there is no problem left unsolved if not talked through.” Mayor Devibar added.

Meanwhile,  Engr. Maria Fe Gabunales, IBUILD Head of PSO Mindanao, said that Lantapan is lucky to receive various interventions starting from Mindanao Rural Development Program and in DA-PRDP.

“Lantapan is the very first recipient of a DA-PRDP subproject funded under Additional Financing 2 – European Union (AF2-EU), so let’s do our best in the implementation of the subproject and follow the guidelines set by the World Bank to avoid delays and other problems.”

Closing the Pre-Con, Beverly K. Belican, Kulasihan Barangay Captain, was emotional while detailing that the road is like a dream come true to the people of their barangay. “Listening to the discussions, I am amazed on how this one road can greatly change our lives. This will be very challenging for us to handle but we will closely coordinate with LGU Lantapan and DA-PRDP 10 to complete this subproject.

Said FMR is expected to help 1,341 households with 1,244 farmers of cacao, coffee, banana, and other commodities and will benefit  the Talaandig tribe, an Indigenous People of Lantapan.

Also in attendance to the Pre-Con is GIS Officer Jovito Liberato and SES Officer Alfred Adrian Basino of PSO Mindanao, with DA-PRDP 10 staff, officials and staff of LGU Lantapan and Barangay Kulasihan.#

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