PRDP 10 hands in 6.47 KM FMR in Valencia City
It is a good start of the year for the farmers and residents of Valencia City, Bukidnon now that they can enjoy a better road as the DA-PRDP 10 hands in the 6.47KM Bulacao-Concepcion Proper Junction Laligan FMR on January 15, 2021.
During the turnover ceremony, DA-10 Regional Executive Director and PRDP RPCO 10 Project Director Carlene C. Collado, CPA, encouraged the beneficiaries to take care of the newly concreted road. “This is PRDP’s first FMR subproject here in Valencia City, so this serves as a legacy for all of us. Thus, in order to maintain our road, I encourage you to create ordinances. I also encourage the LGU to propose more projects for other infrastructure.”
Director Collado also commended the efforts of the farmers and residents of Barangay Concepcion and Laligan and said “Thank you for being active and present during the construction and turn-over of the subproject. With this project, I hope that your lives will prosper abundantly.”
Moreover, Director Collado also encouraged the guests and beneficiaries to venture into other PRDP subprojects and to submit letter of intent or project proposal to be funded under the Additional Financing 2 or AF2.
Meanwhile, Valencia City Mayor Azucena P. Huerves acknowledged the efforts of everyone involved in order to complete the SP. “This project is realized because we worked together. This won’t be possible without the efforts of DA-PRDP, PLGU, LGU and especially our lumad community. Let us be thankful for this project because this is a legacy we can leave for the next generations. People from all walks of life can now pass through this road. So, we have an obligation to take care of this road in order for this to last for our future children,” Mayor Huervas said.
On the other hand, accepting the responsibility to maintain order and quality of the FMR are Barangay Captains Modesto R. Jardenico, Jr of Brgy. Laligan and Luzviminda P. Santillan of Brgy. Concepcion who also expressed their gratitude for the favorable changes brought by the FMR in their lives.
“The road situation before was very difficult for everyone to travel through. It was hard even for our horses to pass by. But with this project, many of us started to expand our homes, and more residents started owning motorcycles. I am so grateful for everyone who came to work together to bring progress to our community,” Santillan said.
Both barangay officials promised to take care of the project by creating ordinances for the proper maintenance of the FMR.
This subproject worth Php 115,473,782.50 will benefit the farmers of rice, banana, rubber, corn, sugarcane and assorted vegetables. #