Maguindanao Province holds groundbreaking, layouting, procurement activity of DA-PRDP Projects
The Provincial Planning Monitoring and Implementation Unit (PPMIU) of Maguindanao and the Regional Project Coordination Office (RPCO) of BARMM of the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) conducted a series of activities with the three recipient proponent groups of the ”Goat Multiplication, Fattening and Marketing” sub-project with the objective of providing technical support on the construction of goat houses. The Kalian Bangsamoro Women’s Agri Marketing Cooperative, Badak Multi-purpose Cooperative, and the Lumpingan Agri-Preneur Marketing Cooperative took part in the ground-breaking ceremony, and lay-outing and procurement of items based on the approved Program of Works (POW) and Detailed Engineering Design (DED).
The goat sheds were designed as semi-commercial structures intended for profit with a dimension of 300 square meters. According to the sub-project’s business plan, these goat houses must be completed within 46 days as a prerequisite for the releasing of 150 (male) and 6 (female) breeding stocks for goat multiplication.
The groundbreaking activity was attended by the PPMIU I-REAP Focal Person Engr. Jedahni E. Ulangkaya, I-BUILD Rural Infrastructure Specialist Engr. Michael K. Anggol and the chairman of each proponent group. During the lay-outing activity, the construction foreman of each proponent group was present and aimed to accumulate ideas and methodologies from the engineers coming from the PPMIU and RPCO. The procurement activity followed to ensure that the necessary items were procured based on the specifications indicated in the approved POW and DED. The RPCO focal persons of the PRDP components from I-Plan, I-REAP, Social and Environmental Safeguard (SES), Procurement, Finance and Monitoring and Evaluation proceeded with the checking of purchased items which was secured with geotagged photos taken by the Geo-mapping and Governance Unit (GGU).
At the end of the activities, the PPMIU, RPCO and the PGs held an exit meeting to discuss the catch–up plans for the entire duration of the construction of goat house. It was agreed that the PPMIU and RPCO I-BUILD and I-REAP Component will conduct weekly inspection on the physical accomplishment of the Proponent Groups (PGs). #