Adapting to New Normal: Deputy Project Director Adelina A. Losa called a meeting to all the PRDP Bicol hired staff. She announced that Bicol was able to disburse a total of 86% or 92.32 million even during ECQ period. During the meeting the team also discussed the next steps to sustain the good practices which has already been started

Bicol obtains high disbursement rate amidst ECQ

Date Published: May 22, 2020

The entry of COVID-19 in the country has been a great challenge for the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) to maintain and monitor subprojects from different provinces. To protect its staff from being infected by the virus, the management decided to create a skeleton workforce consisting 25% of the hired personnel while others were instructed to work from home provided that they submit their weekly accomplishments.

With the restrictions implemented under the Bayanihan Act to contain the spread of the virus, activities, and construction of all the PRDP’s on-going projects were forced to stop in compliance with the law, making it difficult to consolidate all the documents needed for the disbursement report.

But despite the COVID threat, and restricted movement PRDP South Luzon was able to disburse a total of P106.88 million of which 86% or 92.39 million were contributed by Bicol, exceeding its target for the month of April by 23.63 million or 34%.

PRDP Bicol did not feel discourage to accomplish its targets even during the Enhance Community Quarantine (ECQ). It found ways to communicate with the LGUs and contractors using social media and online conferencing to monitor their commitments, particularly on disbursement. The  Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) identification cards were issued to technical staff and skeleton workforce to enable them to work at the office and assist the LGUs in facilitating their billing documents.

The Local Government Units (LGUs) and contractors also showed their active cooperation to fast-track the billing documents to compensate the workers during the ECQ period.

Contractors also requested an IATF ID so they can resume their construction to keep up with their work schedule, provided that they follow the protocols of the Department of Health (DOH) to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

At present, Bicol is under  General Community Quarantine (GCQ) and PRDPs Rural Infrastructure Engineers (RIEs) are now allowed to travel to conduct a site visit, monitoring, and inspection for the on-going subprojects.

With the close supervision of the component and unit heads and teamwork of the PRDP Bicol team they were able to deliver good performance despite the COVID threat in the region in line with its goal of implementing quality and resilient projects that can enable communities and expand opportunities.  (Michelle Angela G. Alfigura, DA-PRDP RPCO 5 InfoACE Unit)

Adapting to New Normal: Deputy Project Director Adelina A. Losa called a meeting to all the PRDP Bicol hired staff. She announced that Bicol was able to disburse a total of 86% or 92.32 million even during ECQ period. During the meeting the team also discussed the next steps to sustain the good practices which has already been started

PRDP Bicol uses online conferencing for the compliance review of Bula and Goa, Camarines Sur together with the NPCO and PSO


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