RPCO2, PLGU Batanes finalize compliances for 3 enterprises
Basco, Batanes – The Procurement and Finance Units of the Regional Project Coordination Office 2 (RPCO 2), Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) of Batanes and Proponent Groups (PG) set goals earlier today for the successful implementation of Sweet Potato “Wakay” Processing and Marketing Enterprise.
Likewise, deadlines on the remaining procurement and finance documents needed prior to the issuance of NOL 1 for Beef Cattle Production and Marketing Enterprise and Garlic Seed Production and Marketing Enterprise were finalized.
RPCO 2 has sent I-BUILD, I-REAP technical teams and other Support Units to the Island-Province earlier to pull through compliances of the three enterprises.
The I-BUILD Team was led by Engr. Edmund Bert Banzali, I-REAP was spearheaded by Engr. Jayson Tee. Other staff from the Support Units were Engr. Beverly Tamayao, GIS Officer, Engr. Carol Garcia and Engr. Bryan Datul from Procurement, Engr. Alwyn Balbas of SES, Mr. Dheejhay Cabasal from Finance, and Dr. Ferdinand Cortez from the InfoACE Unit.
Mr. Cesar Hostallero, Provincial Agriculturist of Batanes the No Objection Letter (NOL 1) given by the Project Support Office (PSO) would motivate the PG more to work for the compliances.
The NOL 1 was awarded to Hostallero during the 1st PRDP Implementation and Support Mission, a localized version of the World Bank Support and Implementation Mission in Santiago City.
“It will just be a matter of time and procurement for the enterprise will be underway,” Hostallero said.
Meanwhile, Engr. Edmund Bert Banzali and his team visited Itbayat Island and appraised the production area and the proposed site for the Garlic Seed Production and Marketing Enterprise. (Dr. Ferdinand N. Cortez, RPCO2 InfoACE)