PRDP schools Farmer Proponents on Grievance Redress Mechanism
The Social and Environmental Safeguards (SES) Unit of the Regional Project Coordination Office 1 (RPCO1) and the National Project Coordination Office (NPCO) conducted the first batch of the Orientation/Workshop on Grievance Redress Mechanism for Enterprise Subprojects at the Dagupan Village Hotel, Dagupan City, Pangasinan on March 1-2, 2018 to discuss the principles, values, and purpose of participatory supervision among farmer proponent groups.
The GRM is an integral project management tool that intends to seek feedback from beneficiaries and resolve complaints on project activities and performance. It ensures that all the rights and interest, especially of the project beneficiaries, are protected from poor project performance.
During the training-workshop, the farmer proponent groups were taught how to monitor the enterprise subprojects using Project forms and to use the GRM in reporting and resolving issues.
All farmer proponent groups, however, chose to retain the Mediation and Reconciliation Officers as provided in their respective operations manual and by-laws. In terms of roles and functions, the GRM committee required by the Project is practically the same as the Mediation and Reconciliation Officers.
The Mediation and Reconciliation Officers of each farmer proponent group will be responsible for receiving and screening feedback and complaints though uptake channels; identifying the level in which the grievance must be addressed; initiating resolution process by endorsing the grievance to concerned offices; organizing reconciliation meetings; and providing feedback on the updates and progress of the grievance resolution process.
Aside from the GRM, farmer proponent groups also received lectures on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) delivered by Mr. Marvin G. Quilates, Organic Farming Focal Person, and lectures on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) by Ms. Marivic G. Begonia, Chief of the Regional Crop Protection Center. The SES Unit deemed the activity as an opportunity to capacitate farmer proponent groups on GAP and IPM to aid in the management of their respective enterprises.
The first batch of the training-workshop was attended by farmer proponent groups from Pangasinan whose enterprise proposals are approved or issued with No Objection Letter 1 (NOL 1). The second batch will be on April 5-6, 2018 at Hotelinda, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. The next training will be participated by farmer proponent groups from the provinces of La Union, Ilocos Sur, and Ilocos Norte. ### (Dessa U. Estrada and Vida V. Cacal, RPCO 1 InfoACE Unit)