4 Business Plans in Region 4A pushed for Technical Review
June 08, 2015 – Monday
The Project Support Office (PSO) South Luzon and Regional Project Coordinating Office (RPCO) IV-A joined hand in hand to conduct the business plan training workshop for the Provincial Project Monitoring and Implementing Units (PPMIU) and Proponent Groups (PG) of Laguna, Cavite and Quezon last May 18-22, 2015 at the Tagaytay Haven Hotel, Mendez, Cavite.
The PPMIU of Laguna have intensified their business plans for dairy cattle together with Katipunan ng mga Kooperatibang Manggagatas-Integrated Cooperative (KKMI) and coffee together with Casile-Guinting Upland Marketing Cooperative.
For dairy cattle, they envision to uplift dairy farmers’ standard of living, making them self-reliant industry players and enable them to be part of industries growth in terms of quality improvement and continuous provision of good animal nutrition through pasture/forage development and silage making.
For coffee, they would like to increase their production to satisfy target market demands by upgrading of their coffee production facilities.
Likewise, the PPMIU of Cavite together with their PG Café Amadeo eyed for increased production by upgrading coffee production facilities.
On the other hand, the PPMIU of Quezon together with their PG Quezon Federation Union of Cooperatives (QFUC) pushed for the construction of their very own village type processing center of virgin coconut oil (vco).
All business plans presented were targeting at least 10% of farmer’s annual income.
During the event, Mr. Manolo Herrera of PSO South Luzon I-REAP emphasized that in doing business plan their objectives should be anchored to the PRDP main objectives particularly the 5% increase of farmers’ annual income.
“Numbers don’t lie”, Mr. Herrera said. “To check the feasibility of the presented business plans it should be supported by a sound financial plan”, he added.
These business plans will be subjected for technical review this coming May 25-29, 2015. (Radel Llagas, RCPO IV-A InfoACE)

Mr. Richmond Pablo (2nd left) and Ms. Jerrah Valdez (seated in the middle) of RPCO IVA I-REAP assisting the PPMIU of Laguna in their Business Plan.

After the successful Business Plan Training/Workshop of the PPMIUs of Laguna, Cavite and Quezon with PSO South Luzon I-REAP and RPCO IV-A