2 Nueva Ecija coops draw up business plans for DA-PRDP Scale-Up enterprise proposal
By Ram Bill G. Bautista, RPCO3 Writer
The Eastern Primary Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PMPC) from San Jose City and the Villa Bar PMPC from Llanera, Nueva Ecija, underwent a series of workshops in the preparation of their Business Plans for their respective proposed enterprise subprojects under the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Rural Development Project (DA-PRDP) Scale-Up held on July 10-12 in Palayan City and on July 23-26 in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.
The Business Plan is used to determine the viability of the proposal which would be the basis for financing the proposed enterprise subprojects under the DA-PRDP. It contains detailed description of the subproject and marketing, operational, and financial plans.
The DA-PRDP Central Luzon Team led by the I-REAP or the enterprise development component provided technical assistance in preparing the business plans including all required documents and attachments for the subproject proposals. The proponent groups have also partnered with the provincial and municipal local government units (LGUs) and other agencies such as the DA – Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) to ensure the overall soundness of the business plan.
“Our cooperative has actively engaged in the preparation of our proposed subproject under the DA-PRDP Scale-Up. Initially, we conducted a comprehensive needs assessment to identify key areas where the project could have the most impact,” Eastern PMPC Operations Manager Benedict Daduyo said.
“We then organized special general assembly to gather input and build unity among our farmer members,” Daduyo added.
Despite the tedious process and documentation for the proposal of a subproject, the proponent groups are determined to be able to present their proposed enterprise before the Regional Project Advisory Board (RPAB) whose endorsement is necessary to secure an approval from the DA-PRDP National Project Coordination Office.
“Preparing the business plan hasn’t been easy for us because of the huge amount of information needed to be gathered but we are being continuously guided by the DA-PRDP in closely working with provincial and municipal LGUs. This subproject would greatly help us to uplift our cooperative and its members,” Villa Bar PMPC Manager Sally Dacumos said.
The Eastern PMPC is proposing for the establishment of a carabao dairy processing plant for various ready-to-drink milk beverages produced by carabao growers from the cooperative. The proposed subproject would expand their operations to keep up with the growing demands of their market, particularly from national government agencies with milk-feeding programs and other institutional buyers from the private sector. This intervention is expected to increase dairy farmers income by adding value to their milk and providing a direct marketing channel that ensures fair transactions.
On the other hand, the Villa Bar PMPC is eyeing to set up a post-harvest common service facility for aromatic rice. This proposed enterprise is expected to address the local farmers’ lack of access to such facility and reduce the cost of transportation of goods to the nearest one outside the town. The subproject would also see the provision of four-wheel tractors and combined harvesters.